I wanted to introduce y’all to the people I have been and am going to continue to be leading alongside of for the next 9 months! They are fun and wild and some of the wisest people I’ve ever met and I am HONORED to lead with them. Here they are!!
Guys Hallie is something else. If you’re looking for someone who knows how to make you laugh in the most out-of-pocket way, this is your girl. Hallie is incredibly driven and passionate. She is ready to fight for what she believes in and for the people she loves. We love Hallie, big fans. She also got SECOND PLACE on Survivor (Liberty Edition) **It’s on YouTube, go check it out
(Hallie holding a boiled egg in disgust)
Guys. Zach is awesome… He LOVES people. And when I say he loves people I mean he LOVES them. You literally feel it radiating off of him when you talk to him and I am so excited to see how his team of men is going to learn from him in the upcoming months. Go meet Zach, odds that you’ll love him? High.
(Zach holding a frog he picked up while we were walking to bed)
Some of you may recognize her. Bern was actually a squad leader on my original race and is now squad leading again and I get to do it with her, which is so wild. Bern is one of the most kind, gentle, and intentional people that I have ever met in my life. She walks in the fruits of the spirits the way I believe He desires us to walk in and I’m looking forward to what I will continue to learn from her.
(Bern on her birthday when she turned 23!!)
MEAGAN! Guys, Meagan is crazy. She seems like this casual low-key runner athletic girl when you meet her. But then you get to know her and be a part of her buck-wild personality. Meagan brings inclusivity everywhere she goes. You feel like you belong when you’re around her and that makes me so excited for her team and the squad to learn from her 🙂
(Meagan as a praying mantis)
I’ve only known Drew for a second that actually feels like a lifetime. Drew embodies this feeling of home to all the people he encounters. He sees people and is intentional with them and encourages them because he knows that’s what Jesus would do. He is passionate about discipleship and he is passionate about the gospel. Drew is an incredible brother and I’m excited to continue learning from him.
(Drew with the baby Bible to his papa Bible)
This group of people walk in so much wisdom and authority and encourage me daily. They’re genuine and authentic and consistently chasing after the Father’s heart. We’re not always thriving and we’re not always at our peak, and we try and own that and remember that we’re not here to be perfect leaders but we’re here to live out whatever it is that we were called here to do. I’m excited to discover more of what that looks like in myself and in my co-leaders. It’s only been a little over a month with them, and I can wait for the next 8 months to come 🙂
(us in Helen on a leadership outing?)
(oooh gas station pic!)
Some of the best humans I know!
So so SO excited for y’all!!! SOOO much beauty here, inside and out!!!
The squad is blessed!
Love this life you get to live out with this incredible, passionate, hard loving leadership team!! GAP K IS STACKED!